5/26/2016 0 Comments How to use Arnica and why it works
pounding back Advil just to cope while resting around the house. Until I remembered arnica. After one day of taking a homeopathic preparation of arnica consistently, I was off Advil and noticed significant relief. The healing increased daily, until I was back to normal. It truly was amazing.
A broken rib: I met my co-worker Michael just after he had broken his collar bone. He showed me his green and yellow bruised battle wounds immediately upon introducing himself, so I reached for my arnica. Michael said that he was finally experiencing some healing after he’d been taking it for just one day. He’s back to lifting again after a few short weeks and his pain is gone. A rolled ankle: This story is what prompted me to write this post. My co-worker Jimmy rolled his ankle yesterday. Swollen, painful etc etc. I had some arnica cream on me, so I gave him the tube, explained it would help with healing and to try raising his foot if he could. He asked to take it home so he could apply it before bed. Of course bud, I said. He arrives to work this morning, hands me the tube and says, and I quote... "I don't know what the f*@k is in there, but it WORKS. No pain. Nothing. Like I never rolled it. You should market that!" Now he's getting me to text a picture of it to our first aid lady because he told her it was a miracle “crack cream”. So Jimmy is walking around today like nothing ever happened. My Conclusion: Arnica is useful for the healing of hard and soft tissue, decreases swelling and PAIN and increases blood reabsorption. Available in topical cream or homeopathic preparation. The sooner it is taken or applied after the injury has taken place, the better. Renée RHN References http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/arnica http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/tc/arnica-topic-overview http://www.drugs.com/npc/arnica.html
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